Why do we inspect schools?
We inspect schools to provide information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account for the public money they receive. School inspections are required by law. We provide an independent assessment of the quality and standards of education in schools, and check whether pupils are achieving as much as they can.
Who inspects schools?
Her Majesty’s Inspectors and Ofsted Inspectors (who in most cases are serving school leaders who inspect for Ofsted for an agreed number of days each year) carry out the inspections. All inspectors have been trained to, and assessed against, Ofsted’s standards.
What judgements do inspectors make?
Inspectors will make graded judgements on the following areas using the four-point scale:
- Effectiveness of leadership and management
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare
- Outcomes for children and learners.
Where applicable, inspectors will also make a graded judgement on the effectiveness of the early years or sixth form provision in the school.
We give schools an overall grade from 1 to 4:
- grade 1 (outstanding)
- grade 2 (good)
- grade 3 (requires improvement)
- grade 4 (inadequate).
The school must take all reasonable steps to make sure that parents of pupils at the school receive a copy of the report.